"Geographical location doesn’t determine what kind of success you will have, but your psychological position always will.”- Charlemagne tha God
Let’s be real: we millennials have been through some (stuff). Our resilience is our superpower. We survived 9/11, two major wars, a huge recession, the coronavirus pandemic and countless killings of unarmed African-Americans by white police officers. Because of our resilience, we have millennial magic- the unique ability for millennials to disrupt institutional racism.
What is millennial magic?
Millennial magic- the unique ability for millennials to disrupt institutional racism- is conjured by how we navigate the intersections of life. It’s that simple. Hocus pocus aside, how we’ve managed to come out of all of it with our teeth in tact is nothing short of magical. A millennial mystique, really.
Stuck between binaries, but still thriving
Millennial Magic means living life in a wedge. Millennials are stuck between binaries:
Stuck between blue-on-black police slaughter and the porcelain-white privileged Permit Patties that report us.
Stuck between King’s “I Have a Dream” and the nightmare of our current reality: crippling student loan debt, affordable housing struggles, and a pandemic trying to wipe us out.
Our binaries are the tie that bind us to the hope of a better and brighter tomorrow. What didn’t kill us has made us strategically positioned to dismantle institutional racism. Here’s how.
Learn the Lessons of the Older Generations.
We are the influencers, the Dreamers and the fed-up-with-the-bullsh* leaders that can take the lessons of the older generations--the flappers, the flower power, the Panthers and the Peacemongers--and use them to dismantle the very institutional racism that oppresses us.
Turn Fear into Fuel for the Fight.
As a black woman in America, the color of my skin may dictate whether I live to see another day. I emphasized this point as President of Yung Hip Professionals, Inc. at the WDN LI Press Conference to Support Black Lives. That is heavy. Institutional racism is built into the architecture of America. Trying to fix a broken system can’t be done with the bricks that built it. We have a lot to be upset about. We are tired, we are broken and we are fragmented into a million pieces. We graduated from college and launched, debt first, into the throes of economic recession. Like I said...we’ve been through some stuff.
But you know what? It is the weight on our shoulders that flexes our fight muscles. We must let our fear fuel us to keep fighting. We must use our millennial magic- the unique ability for millennials to disrupt institutional racism.
How to Use Millennial Magic- the unique ability for millennials to disrupt institutional racism
Our grandparents taught us how to protest, fight for our rights to exist as persons of color, as queer, as women, as undocumented immigrants...they taught us how. So why are we still fighting the battles they fought? How are we different? How is NOW different?
I would argue that the fight is the same; it is the theater of battle that is different. This is our advantage. We the millennials have the opportunity to make our fight count by using the lessons learned from older generations and--not succumb to being broke and tired--but to gain energy from our fears to fight on.
Here’s why we’re different:
Our power to influence isn’t bound by geographic limitations. Charlamagne Tha God mentions that psychological position, not geographical location, determines success. Our generation has the technology to tear down political borders and physical barriers but we tragically get restricted by their limiting beliefs. When we let go of our limiting beliefs, there is no stopping us. We shut down porcelain-white Permit Patty privilege with our smartphone cams and Twitter accounts. We document the criminalization of black bodies existing in public spaces for the world to see.
We occupy the institutions that promulgate institutional racism--we are the Trojan Horse. We work, shop at, teach, learn, play and pay taxes to the very organizations that were built on the backs of oppression. Segregation kept our grandparents from them; now we get scholarships to them. We have the power to create change from the inside out.
We have the power to teach the younger generations the lessons we learned from the older generations. We carry the torch. Our ancestors, parents, grandparents and the generations before us lit the fire; we let it burn within ourselves and spread the flames to our youth. They say if you forget your history, you’re doomed to repeat it. We’re not letting injustice be forgotten.
Millennial Magic- Takeaways:
Millennials, if you remember nothing else from my words today, remember this: you have the power within yourselves to do whatever it is you need to do to educate, influence and change. Use your millennial magic to topple oppressive regimes, end the war against bodies of color, continue seeing progress for LGBTQ+ rights and for the undocumented. Use your #millennialmagic
to fight institutional racism from within, and never be limited by your own limiting beliefs