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Get Out There and Vote — The Impact Millennials Have on the 2020 Elections

Sam Law

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“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. —James Baldwin”
 "Shook One: Anxiety Playing Tricks on Me"― Charlamagne Tha God,

You have the power to change the world. Yet, how many times have you thought to yourself any of the following: 

“My opinion doesn’t matter.” 

“I am not powerful enough”
“I can’t make a difference”

“No one will listen to me”

These are just voices. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. 

The Story of David and Goliath – the Champion Warrior vs. the Underdog 

The world works in mysterious ways. Nothing is ever set in stone, and sometimes, the impossible becomes possible.

In case you haven’t heard the story of David and Goliath, or if you need a reminder…

The original story is from the Bible and can be found in 1 Samuel 17. The story goes that Goliath was a champion of the Philistines, who were enemies of the Israelites and of God. Goliath was huge, after all, he was a giant. Everyone feared him, and anyone who tried to battle him would be defeated. Imagine a 9-foot giant, wearing bronze armor that alone weighed 125 pounds. Goliath was unstoppable. Or was he? 

Then you have David, who was a mere child. David heard of the awful things Goliath was saying about God and decided to go up against him. God had not failed him before and had saved him many times from animal attacks. David would not let Goliath continue to mock God and his fellow Israelites. 

Goliath was so certain that David was no match for him, but David ran at him with a slingshot and launched a stone at Goliath’s head. With that one shot, he took out Goliath and brought honor to the Israelite people and to God. 

The moral of the story is that sometimes the underdog, or what appears to be the weakest link, has the power to win it all. 

Be the Change, Be the Voice 

When it comes to the elections, this can also hold true. Sometimes the underdog comes out of nowhere in full beast mode and wins the election. No one should feel discouraged from voting. If you think your candidate won’t win because they are the underdog, don’t let that stop you from voting. If every single person who thinks their vote doesn’t matter, skips voting altogether, then of course the underdog or candidate of your choice has no chance. BUT if everyone who can vote, does vote, then anything can happen. There is power in numbers! 

Your vote might inspire someone close to you to vote, and they could inspire someone else and so forth. You are one piece of the equation. Your vote and opinion matter. Especially Millennials. 

Millennials have a special place in this year’s vote. Why? Well first off we have that #MillennialMagic and we can’t just let it sit there and wither away. Between 2014 - 2018, Millennial votes doubled from 22% of all votes to 42%. Let’s double that number again! We have so much to say, don’t hold your tongue and not vote. There are no excuses.  

If you don’t feel educated enough to vote, educate yourself. There is too much going on in the world for us to sit back and kick our legs up. If you aren’t sure who to vote for, go to for all your local, state, and federal candidates. There are so many resources available that there is no reason to not get out there and vote! 

The World is Ours

As Millennials, we have been through it all, we have seen what feels like the worst, the end of the world. The country needs our vote. The way the world is going right now, something needs to be done. Future generations are counting on you here and now. Don’t underestimate yourself, and don’t take your vote for granted.

If you don’t speak up, then you have no right to complain about the state of the world. Change can only happen when everyone bands together. With your vote, underdogs have a chance, poetic justice will be served, and the Goliath’s will be no more. Let’s spread that #MillennialMagic and show the elections who’s boss! 

By Sam Law December 22, 2020
Did you know that one of the best things you can do this holiday season, and always, is shop black? It is statistically proven that black-owned and operated businesses will suffer greater than that of non-black businesses. So, how can you help? Help by starting a #BUYBLACK movement. Support your local black-owned business, share your purchases on social media, repeat! #BuyBlack #ShopBlack
img src=”Sam Law gifts  jpg” alt=”Sam Law gift”
By Sam Law December 8, 2020
There is too much going in in the world right now for us to sit back and let our creative talents pass us by! We all have a gift. We all have something special that makes us YOU-nique. What’s yours? Won’t you join me in showing this world the creativity that Millennials of color bring to the table? #millennialmondays
img src=”Sam Law as wonder woman jpg” alt=”Sam Law Wonder Woman”
By Sam Law November 5, 2020
What happens when the momentum is gone? Racism is trending, but for black and brown people, it’s not news. “Wokeness” is popular; a fun pastime if you’re privileged. Until we stop seeing human rights and social justice as life or death and not an election season novelty, we will always be the convenient sideshow for the American socio-political theater.
By Sam Law September 23, 2020
Unhappy with your current situation or relationship? Take a stand! If you aren’t sure how to initiate changes in your life, try this: pretend you are advising a friend. If your friend came to you and explained the exact situation you are currently in, what would you tell them? Sometimes a change of perspective can make all the difference.
September 9, 2020
“Opening up was the turning point. Instead of dissing me, they began to root for me. They wanted to walk my journey with me.” —Charlamagne Tha God What if we started opening up. Telling our stories for everything they are worth. I bet when we start sharing these stories, opening up, being honest, and vulnerable—only then, we will find the similarities between one another. No More Gaps No judging. No, “I know exactly how you feel” or “you should have done it this way”. Just plain and simple listening to one another, understanding, acknowledging, and learning. I bet when we make time to have moments like this with our ancestors, our older generations, that then we can begin to bridge the generational gap that has sprouted through years of technological change. There is no doubt that there is a gap that needs bridging. Actually, there are many gaps that need bridging. The one I want to focus on here is the generational differences, and in turn, we can begin to learn and bridge other gaps as well. We are different than our parents. Our parents are different than their parents. There is an endless cycle of differences. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Once we accept and realize our differences we can use them to bridge the gaps that our society is facing—generational discrimination. We are the generation of change. Our generation has The Unique Ability for Millennials to Disrupt Institutional Racism. This is our #MillenialMagic. This is the very power that we hold between our lips, in the words that are yet to be said, but dying to come out. First, though, we must understand and connect with the generations before us. They did it. They did things we will never have to deal with, just like they will never have to deal with the things that we have gone through. Using Understanding and Communication to learn We need to open our minds. We can’t learn when we just think of those that are older than us as outdated and not with the times. Did you ever stop to think that maybe that they are just scared? Scared because everything is digital and everything has changed so drastically in just 20 years. That can be a lot for people to handle. If they could see the good that technology can do though. The good that it has done. It connects people. It supports people and allows for more opportunities. It allows us to search for jobs, to read blogs from all over the world, to find advice, to find answers, and learn. I get it though. Change is scary. When done right though, change can be wonderful. You see, those generations before us are trying to hold on, while us Millenials are trying to progress. We spend our days immersed in our technology, and the older generations fear we are living behind our devices and not in the real world. When we take the time to understand, then we open up a door, a door for them to understand. Take their hand and say “let me show you”, be patient and kind, and ask for the same in return. We need our ancestor’s knowledge. They have been through it. They have been through war, racism, and sexism. We can learn from them, but we have to ask, and listen. To them, we are buried in our phones, we are selfish, distant, and we only care about ourselves. What if though we open ourselves up as Charlamagne Tha God suggests. What if we say “hey, I need your help on my journey, will you share the story of your journey with me.” It all starts with communication and dialogue. Once we have this door open, we can shut all the other doors that lead to generational discrimination. We can bridge the gap, and transfer that knowledge to keep bridging gaps. We can take this knowledge and apply it to the Black Lives Matter movement, we can learn how to stand up and stand out for our people, and how we can support one another in every way, shape and form that we can. No one can do it all on their own. Each and every one of us needs a support system. We all need people to lift us up when we feel down, for people to believe in the work that we are doing when we feel discouraged, and for those same people to mention our names in a room full of opportunities. Reflect—Do You Take the Time to Support Those Around You? Do you hype up your best friend who is an aspiring photographer? When you hear someone needs a wedding photographer do you proudly say “I know a person!” Or do you keep quiet and say nothing at all? Your friend that bakes sweets as a side business, do you ask her to “hook it up with some free pastries”? Or do you place an order on her website and pay FULL price because you believe in supporting your friend’s business? Asking for free goods from your friends is not supporting their business. Paying full price does. Reposting their content on social media does. Bringing their name up in a conversation when an opportunity is knocking does. This one is for the millennials like myself, who have the privilege of technology at the tips of their fingers. Repost your friends. Repost strangers! You don’t have to know someone to support them. This is the beauty of the world that we live in. I think we become afraid that if we take a moment to support someone other than ourselves then in the process we will make ourselves less sparkly to the rest of the world. In my most recent blog, Don’t Forget About Us- Take Advantage of Life’s ‘I Know a Girl’ Moments, I cover this phenomenon. Why? Because it is important, it is vital, and because good karma is a real thing. I promise you that promoting and supporting those around you will not hurt your own endeavors. Do you think the greatest artists in the music industry just walked into the studio and popped out a hit and started rising on the charts? No. They worked hard, broke their backs, didn’t sleep, and then got that chance of a lifetime because someone believed in them and mentioned their name. How Did Our Ancestors Do It? The Black Lives Matter movement has surfaced tons of support for black businesses and community members. This is a small but necessary step towards victory. Nothing can make you shine less, except for yourself. Black folks and those of color need more of those “I know a girl/guy moments”. We have suffered too long, we have all suffered. This year especially has thrown us down, picked us up, and then threw us even farther. This year has brought us... A pandemic that has killed 190K, which has brought on millions of Americans losing their jobs... Deaths of black folks like Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, and arrests of other innocent black people who are rightfully angry and tired of the oppression that our people have faced for years… I mean how did our ancestors do it? I think about the things that our parents and grandparents went through and I am speechless. I see the world hurting and suffering, and I want answers. Answers for recovery and answers on how to stay hopeful. So I begin to look to our ancestors, to how those before us stood up during the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, and the LGBTQ movement. How did they do it? How do we do it? Why are we still doing it? Why on earth do we still have to keep fighting for equality? I think about it, and I pause, and I feel like we have already done all this before. We have already fought these movements, we have already been beaten down and bruised by our oppressors, yet we still have to fight. We still have to protest, but our ancestors had it worse, they had the brunt of it all. At least I can walk into a diner and have service. At least I can use the same restroom as the white woman in the stall next to me. At least I can go to school and learn in the same class as white folks. At least I can get on a bus without fearing arrest for refusing to give up my seat to a white man. On the other spectrum, black folks are still dying. There are too many black mothers crying and there are too many brothers and sisters dying. Racism is still real. People still look at the color of my skin and see someone ‘different’. Cops still kill black people substantially more than white people. The black community only accounts for 13% of the population, yet they account for 25% of police shootings. You Can’t Steal Our Joy So I look to our ancestors because this isn’t the first Pandemic. This isn’t the first time people of color are dying. This isn’t the first time that poverty is striking the nation. Many of our grandparents or great grandparents were born during and lived through the Spanish Influenza, which wiped out as many as 50 million people worldwide. Our female ancestors were bound to the house to take care of the children, as this was a woman’s duty back then. Forget an education, a career, and a life—the home was the woman’s responsibility. The 60s brought about peaceful protests via sit-ins. When I think about the patience and the virtue my ancestors must have had to sit down at a table and face the wrath of white people screaming and yelling slurs in their faces, it hurts me. Not to mention, it was only five short years ago when gay marriage became legal. The world has continuously pushed us down, but we must continue to use our #MillenialMagic to push back, to stand up, and to stand strong. We can continue to make strides. We can’t win this race alone. We must learn from those who have already done it all so that we can continue the fight. Sexism, racism, and homophobia raided our ancestor’s joy, but it won’t continue to raid ours. So I leave you with this...what can you gain by being open and honest? Who can you connect with? What story will you share, and in return what story will be shared with you? Take this honesty and these stories and spread them like wildfire. Use them to fuel a better world, a world where we stand next to and not apart from our ancestors, and a world where we give those around us the opportunity we would ask them to give to us. Together we stand. The one that I want to focus on here is the generational gaps, and in turn, we can begin to learn and bridge other gaps as well.

That Sam Law
By Sam Law September 3, 2020
Read on as Sam Law, a Ted x speaker event organizer, marketing professional, and published model who is also the founder and president of Hip Professional Inc take us through why you should choose a real-life event.
img src=”Sam Law and influencers.jpg” alt=”Sam Law with female influencers”
By Sam Law August 9, 2020
You ‘know a guy’. Or a girl. I know you do. Here is a little challenge for you...repost a person or company on social media who deserves recognition and opportunities. Let’s speak up and speak out for our members of the black community, and share their story, their passions, and their businesses. Use your social media outlets to raise them up, instead of keeping them in a box.
By Sam Law July 20, 2020
Dare to Give A Damn...Millennials, let’s use our #MillennialMagic to stop the inter-cultural oppression of mental illness in minority communities. How will you fight for minority mental health?
By Sam Law July 16, 2020
“Geographical location doesn’t determine what kind of success you will have, but your psychological position always will.”- Charlemagne tha God As Millennials, we can Tweet the revolution. We can document the slaying of unarmed black men by the police. We can showcase the mockery of the porcelain-white Permit Patties and Karens of America. We can’t do it if we don’t stop trashing Boomers and talking smack about other generations. Wake up, stand up, and buck the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. What limiting beliefs are holding you back? I want to know...what’s stopping you?
By Sam Law June 16, 2020
On March 7th 2020, a few moments before the US was hit with the Coronavirus Pandemic, I gave a TEDx Talk. If you are wondering what a TEDx is, it refers to an independently organized event that takes place under TED's community license, usually in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries. This is my experience giving a talk.
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